IBT Publications by Seemann of the year 2011

Journal Articles (8)

R. H. Clayton, O. Bernus, E. M. Cherry, H. Dierckx, F. H. Fenton, L. Mirabella, A. V. Panfilov, F. B. Sachse, G. Seemann, and H. Zhang.
Models of cardiac tissue electrophysiology: progress, challenges and open questions..
In Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, vol. 104(1-3) , pp. 22-48, 2011
M. Fink, S. A. Niederer, E. M. Cherry, F. H. Fenton, J. T. Koivumäki, G. Seemann, R. Thul, H. Zhang, F. B. Sachse, D. Beard, E. J. Crampin, and N. P. Smith.
Cardiac cell modelling: observations from the heart of the cardiac physiome project.
In Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, vol. 104(1-3) , pp. 2-21, 2011
D. U. J. Keller, O. Jarrousse, T. Fritz, S. Ley, O. Dössel, and G. Seemann.
Impact of physiological ventricular deformation on the morphology of the T-wave: a hybrid, static-dynamic approach.
In IEEE Trans Biomed Eng., vol. 58(7) , pp. 2109-2119, 2011
M. W. Krueger, S. Severi, K. Rhode, S. Genovesi, F. M. Weber, A. Vincenti, P. Fabbrini, O. Dössel, G. Seemann, and R. Razavi.
Alterations of atrial electrophysiology related to hemodialysis session: insights from a multiscale computer model.
In Journal of Electrocardiology, vol. 44(2) , pp. 176-183, 2011
S. A. Niederer, E. Kerfoot, A. P. Benson, M. O. Bernabeu, O. Bernus, C. Bradley, E. M. Cherry, R. Clayton, F. H. Fenton, A. Garny, F. B. Sachse, E. Heidenreich, S. Land, M. Maleckar, P. Pathmanathan, G. Plank, J. F. Rodriguez, I. Roy, G. Seemann, O. Skavhaug, and N. P. Smith.
Verification of cardiac tissue electrophysiology simulators using an N-version benchmark.
In Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol. 369(1954) , pp. 4331-4351, 2011
F. M. Weber, D. U. J. Keller, S. Bauer, O. Dössel, G. Seemann, and C. Lorenz.
Predicting tissue conductivity influences on body surface potentials-an efficient approach based on principal component analysis.
In IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 58(2) , pp. 265-273, 2011
F. M. Weber, A. Luik, C. Schilling, O. Dössel, G. Seemann, M. W. Krueger, C. Lorenz, and C. Schmitt.
Conduction velocity restitution of the human atrium--an efficient measurement protocol for clinical electrophysiological studies.
In IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 58(9) , pp. 2648-2655, 2011
M. Wilhelms, O. Dössel, and G. Seemann.
In silico investigation of electrically silent acute cardiac ischemia in the human ventricles.
In IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 58(10) , pp. 2961-2964, 2011

Conference Contributions (12)

M. Arp, R. A. Lasher, O. Dössel, G. Seemann, R. W. Hitchcock, and F. B. Sachse.
Imaging the micro-structure of cardiac tissue by fluorescence confocal microscopy based on quadruple labelling.
In Biomed Tech, vol. 56(Suppl. 1) , 2011
O. Dössel, M. W. Krueger, W. H. W. Schulze, F. M. Weber, and G. Seemann.
From atrial imaging and atrial mapping to atrial modelling.
In Cardiac Physiome Conference 2011, pp. 58, 2011
O. Dössel, M. W. Krueger, F. M. Weber, C. Schilling, W. H. W. Schulze, and G. Seemann.
A framework for personalization of computational models of the human atria.
In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, vol. 2011, pp. 4324-4328, 2011
T. Fritz, O. Jarrousse, D. Keller, O. Dössel, and G. Seemann.
In silico analysis of the impact of transmural myocardial infarction on cardiac mechanical dynamics for the 17 AHA segments.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart, vol. LNCS, 6666, pp. 241-249, 2011
T. Fritz, O. Dössel, and G. Seemann.
Analyzing transmural myocardial infarction of the left ventricle using computer modeling.
In 4th Cardiac Physiome Workshop, vol. Poster, 2011
M. W. Krueger, V. Schmidt, C. Tobón, O. Dössel, F. M. Weber, C. Lorenz, D. U. J. Keller, H. Barschdorf, M. Burdumy, P. Neher, G. Plank, K. Rhode, G. Seemann, D. Sanchez-Quintana, J. Saiz, and R. Razavi.
Modeling atrial fiber orientation in patient-specific geometries: a semi-automatic rule-based approach.
In Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6666, pp. 223-232, 2011
M. W. Krueger, V. Schmidt, F. M. Weber, D. U. J. Keller, O. Dössel, and G. Seemann.
Influence of atrial anisotropy and conduction on the body surface ECG in a variety of patient specific models.
In Cardiac Physiome Conference 2011, pp. 53, 2011
M. W. Krueger, S. Severi, O. Dössel, G. Seemann, F. M. Weber, S. Genovesi, A. Vincenti, and P. Fabbrini.
Alterations of atrial electrophysiology after hemodialysis session: a simulation study in volumetric atrial tissues.
In Journal of Electrocardiology (Proc. ICE 2010), vol. 44(2) , pp. e2, 2011
M. W. Krueger, F. M. Weber, G. Seemann, and O. Doessel.
Personalizing Anatomical and Electrophysiological Models of the Human Atria.
In Biomedizinische Technik / Biomedical Engineering (Proc. BMT 2011), vol. 56(s1) , 2011
S. Ponto, C. Schilling, M. W. Krueger, F. M. Weber, S. Seemann, and O. Dössel.
Influence of endocardial catheter contact on properties of the atrial signal and comparison with simulated electrograms.
In Biomedizinische Technik / Biomedical Engineering (Proc. BMT 2011), vol. 56(s1) , 2011
F. M. Weber, C. Schilling, A. Luik, M. W. Krueger, O. Dössel, G. Seemann, C. Lorenz, and C. Schmitt.
Quantitative determination of wave direction and conduction velocity in the human atrium from intracardiac electrograms.
In Journal of Electrocardiology (Proc. ICE 2010), vol. 44(2) , pp. e14, 2011
M. Wilhelms, O. Dössel, and G. Seemann.
Comparing Simulated Electrocardiograms of Different Stages of Acute Cardiac Ischemia.
In FIMH 2011, LNCS, vol. 6666, pp. 11-19, 2011