H. Gehring, W. Nahm, J. Baerwald, E. Konecny, and P. Schmucker. Atem-Alkoholmeßgeräte mit elektrochemischem Sensor - Meßgenauigkeit bei Beatmung am Lungenmodell - Breath alcohol analyzers with electrochemical sensory--accuracy of measurements in lung model ventilation. In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 41(3) , pp. 54-9, 1996
Absorption of irrigating fluid by blood vessels during endoscopic urological surgery may result in cardiac insufficiency, impairment of electrolyte metabolism and neurological disorders. For detection and quantification of the volume absorbed, ethanol is added to the irrigating fluid. The resulting blood alcohol concentration can be obtained by measuring the alcohol concentration in the expired air. For artificially ventilated patients receiving a general anesthetic, electrochemical sensors that remain uneffected by volatile anaesthetics are used. In the present study, the measuring accuracy of three different alcohol analyzers using electrochemical sensors was tested against an infrared reference sensor during simulated ventilation in a lung model, and the optimal trigger time point for sampling determined. All three devices tested show the same degree of accuracy as the reference. For manual endexpiratory triggering devices with short sampling times are best suitable. Portable devices powered by rechargeable batteries and usable with both spontaneously breathing and ventilated patients are recommended for clinical application.
H. Gehring, W. Nahm, K. F. Klotz, A. Knipper, K. Zimmermann, J. Baerwald, and P. Schmucker. Messung der Atem-Alkoholkonzentration mit einem neuen elektronischen Sensor. Modelluntersuchung zur Querempfindlichkeit gegenüber volatile Anästhetika und klinische Anwendung - Measurement of expired alcohol concentrations with a new electrochemical sensor. A model investigation to determine interference with volatile anesthetics and clinical application. In Der Anaesthesist, vol. 45(2) , pp. 154-62, 1996
UNLABELLED: Absorption of irrigating fluid in transurethral prostatic resection (TURP) and percutaneous nephrolitholapaxy (PNL) into veins or delayed absorption due to fluid extravasation may result in a TURP syndrome. The measurement of end-tidal breath alcohol concentration (et AC) as a monitor of absorption of irrigating fluid labelled with 2% ethanol is limited by the disturbance of infrared sensors by volatile anaesthetics and nitrous oxide (N2O) (Fig. 2). An electrochemical sensor is acceptable for this method. The aim of the present study was the evaluation of breath alcohol measurements using an electrochemical sensor device (Alcomed 3010, Envitec). The stability of the sensor in the presence of volatile anaesthetics was examined using a lung model. In a clinical investigation, the device was then applied to spontaneously breathing or mechanically ventilated patients inhaling volatile anaesthetics during endoscopic urological surgery. METHOD: A two-chamber lung model filled with water for performing noninvasive measurements at the mouth of a patient has already been introduced by Brunner et al. (Fig. 1). With the addition of different amounts of ethanol to the temperature-controlled water, a constant ethanol concentration is achievable in the air above the water that is dependent on adjustments of the ventilator. Increasing concentrations of volatile anaesthetics (isoflurane, enflurane, halothane, and sevoflurane) were added to the fresh gas flow (2 l O2/3 l N2O) and etACs were measured using the manually triggered self-absorbent electrochemical sensor. First, regression equations were established between breath alcohol concentrations and increased volatile anaesthetic concentrations. Regression equations were then established between end-tidal anaesthetic gas concentrations and vaporizer adjustments in order to rule out an influence of ethanol on the anaesthetic gas monitor Ultima V (Datex). In the clinical investigation, 53 intubated and ventilated patients (33 undergoing PNL, 20 undergoing TURP) and 48 patients breathing spontaneously (32 with inhalation anaesthesia, 16 with spinal anaesthesia) were investigated. The etAC was measured with the Alcomed 3010 and compared with gas-chromatographically registered blood alcohol concentrations (BAC). The study had previously been approved by the Ethical Committee of the Medical University of Luebeck. Patients with liver disease and a history of toxic abuse were excluded. Only one value per patient (maximum BAC) was included in the statistics in order to avoid a cluster effect. RESULTS: The lung model experiments demonstrated that the measurement of etAC with an electrochemical sensor is free of interference by volatile anaesthetics (Table 1). The slope of the regression between the measured alcohol concentration and increased concentrations of anaesthetics did not differ significantly from baseline values. The measurement of end-tidal anaesthetic concentrations was not significantly different from vaporizer adjustments in the presence of increased alcohol concentrations (Table 2). During the clinical investigation, a regression between etAC and BAC was determined for both groups. For the group of patients breathing spontaneously, the correlation coefficient was 0.961 and the regression equation revealed etAC = 0.5677*BAC-0.1303 (Fig. 5). However, in the group of ventilated patients a biphasic course was shown that was dependent on BAC (Fig. 6). At BAC < 0.4%, a similar correlation (r = 0.856) to the spontaneously breathing group could be seen (regression equation: etAC = 0.617*BAC-0.020). Above 0.4% BAC there was no acceptable correlation (r = 0.444, regression equation: etAC = 0.202*BAC+0.104). CONCLUSIONS: The tested electrochemical sensor does not interfere with volatile anaesthetics and N2O as demonstrated by a lung model. There is a good correlation between etAC and BAC measurements in patients breathing spontaneously with special regard to the slope of the regression (s = 0.57).
H. Gehring, W. Nahm, D. Hufker, W. Mertins, E. Konecny, H. Frankenberger, and P. Schmucker. Messung der pulmonalen CO2-Elimination - Untersuchung am Lungenmodell bei verschiedenen Gasgemischen - Measurement of Pulmonary CO2 Elimination - Investigation Using Different Gas Mixtures in a Lung Model. In Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, vol. 41(11) , pp. 324-330, 1996
One way of determining pulmonary CO2 elimination during anaesthesia is the breath-by-breath method. With this technique, CO2 analysis is carried out using either the mainstream method (MSM), that is, directly in the expired air flow, or in samples of expired air. A disadvantage of MSM is the lack of sensor signal correction for changes in the composition of the gas mixture and barometric pressure. Sidestream Systems (SSM) measure respiratory gas flow and gas con- centration with adequate accuracy, and also correct the measured values for gas composition and ambient parameters. Disadvantages of breath-by-breath analysis are the SSM-system-rela- ted delay and distortion of the CO2 curves. In the present study, a computer-assisted comparati- ve analysis of CO, elimination measurement by the sidestream and mainstream methods was carried out using ctiff erent mixtures of gases in a lung model. Under the selected conditions simulated in the lung model, evaluation of CO2 elimination using SSM and MSM is possible with an error of between 0 and 10 % versus reference Systems.Measu- ring accuracy of the MSM System in particular is found to depend directly on the composition of the gas mixture. Using the method described here, the measuring error of an SSM System in terms of delay and response time can be compensated with adequate accuracy.
H. Gehring, W. Nahm, K. F. Klotz, O. Zais, R. Schreiber, and P. Schüren. Plasmavolumenbestimmung mit dem Farbstoff ICG bei Änderung des intravasalen Volumens - Plasma volume determination with ICG dye in changes of intravascular volume. In Infusionstherapie und Transfusionsmedizin, vol. 23, pp. 86-91, 1996
Ziel: Die Messung des aktuellen intravasalen Volumens mit Hilfe der Indikator-Verdünnungsmethode ist sowohl von klini-schem als auch von wissenschaftlichem Interesse. Bei der Ver-wendung des rasch eliminierten Farbstoffes Indocyanin-Grün (ICG) sind wiederholte Messungen und damit Verlaufskontrollen möglich. In der vorliegenden Studie sollten folgende Fragen geprüft werden: 1. Stimmen die von uns mit der ICG-Methode bei gesunden Probanden bestimmten Werte mit den in der Literatur angegebenen Kontrollwerten überein, und ist somit die Grundlage für die Durchführung weiterer klinischer Studien gegeben, und 2. Stimmen die Differenzen der vor und nach Eigenblutentnahme bzw. Retransfusion bestimmten Werte für das Plasmavolumen mit den tatsächlich entnommenen bzw. retransfundierten Volumina überein? Design: Prospektive Studie (an je 20 gesunden weiblichen bzw. männlichen Probanden). Rahmen: Forschungslabor einer anästhesiologischen Universitätsklinik. Teilnehmer: Je 20 gesunde weibliche bzw. männliche Probanden. Interventionen: Plasmavolumenbestimmung mit ICG vor und nach Entnahme von 10% des ge-schätzten Blutvolumens und nach Retransfusion. Ergebnisse: In der Gruppe der Frauen betrug das Plasmavolumen pro Körperoberfläche (PV/KO) 1639 ± 198 und bei den Männern 1687 ± 224 ml/m2 (Mittelwert ± SD). Durch die Eigenblutspende wurde den Frauen 188 ± 23 und den Männern 149 ± 26 ml/m2 PV entzogen. Die PV-Messung mit ICG ergab für diesen Ent-zug einen Wert von 198 ± 174 bzw. 171 ± 158 ml/m2 und für die Retransfusion 190 ± 169 bzw. 142 ± 154 ml/m2. Schluβfolgerungen: Die Kontrollwerte liegen in dem in der Literatur be-schriebenen Normbereich. Die gemessenen Differenzen der Plasmavolumina vor und nach Eigenblutspende bzw. nach Retransfusion stimmen mit den tatsächlich entnommenen Plasmavolumina im Mittel gut überein. Bei der klinischen Beurteilung im Einzelfall ist die methodisch bedingte hohe Standardabweichung zu berücksichtigen.
Books (1)
E. Konecny, and W. Nahm. Physikalische Messtechniken in der Medizin. Zentrum für Fernstudien & universitäre Weiterbildung, UNI Kaiserslautern, 1996.
G. Stockmanns, J. Abke, and W. Nahm. Extraktion relevanter Parameter aus wavelet-transformierten akustisch evozierten Potentialen zur Bestimmung inadäquater Anästhesie mit Hilfe des Kohonen-Netzes. 1996