IBT Publications by Nahm

Journal Articles (51)

W. Nahm, C. Hornberger, U. Morgenstern, and S. B. Sobottka.
Optical imaging methods in medicine: how can we escape the plausibility trap?.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 63(5) , pp. 507-510, 2018
W. Nahm, and B. Oppermann.
Vom reinen Abbild zum assistierenden Roboter - Optische Technologien in der Medizin.
W. Nahm, G. Stockmanns, J. Petersen, H. Gehring, E. Konecny, H. D. Kochs, and E. Kochs.
Concept for an intelligent anaesthesia EEG monitor.
In Medical Informatics and the Internet in Medicine, vol. 24(1) , pp. 1-9, 1999
W. Nahm, and H. Gehring.
Non-invasive in vivo measurement of blood spectrum by time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy.
In Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, vol. 29(1) , pp. 174-179, 1995
W. Nahm, and G. Gauglitz.
Dünne Polymerfilme als Sensoren für Kohlenwasserstoffe..
H. Walkner, L. Krames, and W. Nahm.
Synthetic Data in Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation of Laparoscopic Liver Images.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 10(4) , pp. 661-664, 2024
S. Schwab, L. Krames, and W. Nahm.
Influencing Factors on the Registration Accuracy of a Learned Feature Descriptor in Laparoscopic Liver Surgery.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 10(4) , pp. 567-570, 2024
J. Sleeman, L. Krames, and W. Nahm.
Towards Liver Segmentation in Laparoscopic Images by Training U-Net With Synthetic Data.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 10(4) , pp. 600-603, 2024
T. Meißner, L. A. Cerbone, P. Russo, W. Nahm, and J. W. Hesser.
3D-localization of single point-like gamma sources with a coded aperture camera.
In Physics in Medicine & Biology, 2024
T. Meißner, L. A. Cerbone, P. Russo, W. Nahm, and J. Hesser.
Assessment of the axial resolution of a compact gamma camera with coded aperture collimator.
In EJNMMI Physics, vol. 11(30) , pp. 2-21, 2024
M. Schaufelberger, R. P. Kühle, A. Wachter, F. Weichel, N. Hagen, F. Ringwald, U. Eisenmann, J. Hoffmann, M. Engel, C. Freudlsperger, and W. Nahm.
Impact of data synthesis strategies for the classification of craniosynostosis.
In Frontiers in Medical Technology, vol. 5, 2023
L. Guo, and W. Nahm.
Texture synthesis for generating realistic-looking bronchoscopic videos..
In International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, vol. 18(12) , pp. 2287-2287, 2023
D. Krnjaca, L. Krames, M. Schaufelberger, and W. Nahm.
A Statistical Shape Model Pipeline to Enable the Creation of Synthetic 3D Liver Data.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 9(1) , pp. 138-141, 2023
A. M. Becker, M. Schaufelberger, R. P. Kühle, C. Freudlsperger, and W. Nahm.
Multi-Height Extraction of Clinical Parameters Improves Classification of Craniosynostosis.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 9(1) , pp. 198-201, 2023
G. Hentschel, M. Weiß, S. Hoffmann, W. Nahm, and B. Glasmacher.
Using Hydrogel Beads as a Blood Model in Optical Coherence Tomography.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 9(1) , pp. 579-582, 2023
Y. Gao, M. Weiß, and W. Nahm.
Reduction of Uncertainty in Bolus Transit Time Measurement in Quantitative Fluorescence Angiography.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 9(1) , pp. 619-622, 2023
L. Guo, and W. Nahm.
A cGAN-based network for depth estimation from bronchoscopic images..
In International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2023
L. J. Kessler, S. Hoffmann, W. Nahm, D. Bagautdinov, G. U. Auffarth, G. Łabuz, and R. Khoramnia.
Impact of Lens Opacity on Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Metrics.
In Current Eye Research, pp. 1-8, 2023
T. Meißner, V. Rozhkov, J. Hesser, W. Nahm, and N. Loew.
Quantitative comparison of planar coded aperture imaging reconstruction methods.
In Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 18(01) , pp. P01006, 2023
L. Scherer, M. Kuss, and W. Nahm.
Review of Artificial Intelligence-Based Signal Processing in Dialysis: Challenges for Machine-Embedded and Complementary Applications..
In Advances in kidney disease and health, vol. 30(1) , pp. 40-40, 2023
M. Schaufelberger, C. Kaiser, R. Kühle, A. Wachter, F. Weichel, N. Hagen, F. Ringwald, U. Eisenmann, J. Hoffmann, M. Engel, C. Freudlsperger, and W. Nahm.
3D-2D Distance Maps Conversion Enhances Classification of Craniosynostosis.
In IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, pp. 1-10, 2023
C. Kaiser, M. Schaufelberger, R. P. Kühle, A. Wachter, F. Weichel, N. Hagen, F. Ringwald, U. Eisenmann, M. Engel, C. Freudlsperger, and W. Nahm.
Generative-Adversarial-Network-Based Data Augmentation for the Classification of Craniosynostosis.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 8(2) , pp. 17-20, 2022
L. Krames, P. Suppa, and W. Nahm.
Does the 3D Feature Descriptor Impact The Registration Accuracy in Laparoscopic Liver Surgery?.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 8(1) , pp. 46-49, 2022
M. Schaufelberger, R. Kühle, A. Wachter, F. Weichel, N. Hagen, F. Ringwald, U. Eisenmann, J. Hoffmann, M. Engel, C. Freudlsperger, and W. Nahm.
A Radiation-Free Classification Pipeline for Craniosynostosis Using Statistical Shape Modeling.
In Diagnostics, vol. 12(7) , pp. 1516, 2022
A. Wachter, and W. Nahm.
Workflow Augmentation of Video Data for Event Recognition with Time-Sensitive Neural Networks.
In eprint, 2021
A. Wachter, J. Kost, and W. Nahm.
Simulation-Based Estimation of the Number of Cameras Required for 3D Reconstruction in a Narrow-Baseline Multi-Camera Setup.
In Journal of Imaging, vol. 7(5) , pp. 87, 2021
A. Naber, M. Reiß, and W. Nahm.
Transit Time Measurement in Indicator Dilution Curves: Overcoming the Missing Ground Truth and Quantifying the Error.
In Frontiers in Physiology, vol. 12, pp. 1-16, 2021
R. Andlauer, A. Wachter, M. Schaufelberger, F. Weichel, R. Kuhle, C. Freudlsperger, and W. Nahm.
3D-Guided Face Manipulation of 2D Images for the Prediction of Post-Operative Outcome After Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery.
In IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 30, pp. 7349-7363, 2021
M. Schaufelberger, R. Kühle, F. Weichel, A. Wachter, N. Hagen, F. Ringwald, U. Eisenmann, C. Freudlsperger, and W. Nahm.
Laplace-Beltrami Refined Shape Regression Applied to Neck Reconstruction for Craniosynostosis Patients.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 7(2) , pp. 191-194, 2021
A. Naber, D. Berwanger, and W. Nahm.
Geodesic Length Measurement in Medical Images: Effect of the Discretization by the Camera Chip and Quantitative Assessment of Error Reduction Methods.
In Photonics, vol. 7(3) , pp. 1-16, 2020
G. Schneider, W. Nahm, E. F. Kochs, P. Bischoff, C. J. Kalkman, H. Kuppe, and C. Thornton.
Quality of perioperative AEP--variability of expert ratings.
In British Journal of Anaesthesia, vol. 91(6) , pp. 905-8, 2003
E. Kochs, G. Stockmanns, C. Thornton, W. Nahm, and C. J. Kalkman.
Wavelet analysis of middle latency auditory evoked responses: calculation of an index for detection of awareness during propofol administration..
In Anesthesiology, vol. 95(5) , pp. 1141-50, 2001
C. Hornberger, P. Knoop, W. Nahm, H. Matz, E. Konecny, H. Gehring, R. Bonk, H. Frankenberger, G. Meyfroidt, P. Wouters, J. Gil-Rodriguez, L. Ponz, K. Benekos, J. Valais, J. Avgerinos, A. Karoutis, A. Ikiades, and S. Weininger.
A prototype device for standardized calibration of pulse oximeters.
In Journal of clinical monitoring and computing, vol. 16(3) , pp. 161-169, 2000
E. Kochs, C. J. Kalkman, C. Thornton, D. Newton, P. Bischoff, H. Kuppe, J. Abke, E. Konecny, W. Nahm, and G. Stockmanns.
Middle latency auditory evoked responses and electroencephalographic derived variables do not predict movement to noxious stimulation during 1 minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration isoflurane/nitrous oxide anesthesia..
In Anesthesia and analgesia, vol. 88(6) , pp. 1412-7, 1999
H. Gehring, W. Nahm, J. Baerwald, P. Fornara, A. Schneeweiss, A. Roth-Isigkeit, and P. Schmucker.
Irrigation fluid absorption during transurethral resection of the prostate: spinal vs. general anaesthesia..
In Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, vol. 43(4) , pp. 458-63, 1999
H. Gehring, W. Nahm, K. Zimmermann, P. Fornara, E. Ocklitz, and P. Schmucker.
Irrigating fluid absorption during percutaneous nephrolithotripsy..
In Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, vol. 43(3) , pp. 316-321, 1999
R. T. Frankenberger, O. Bussmann, W. Nahm, E. Konecny, and L. Gortner.
Messung seitlicher Haupttemperaturprofile von Frühgeborenen in Inkubatoren mittels Thermograhpie - Measuring lateral skin temperature profile of premature infants in incubators with thermography.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 43(6) , pp. 174-178, 1998
R. T. Frankenberger, O. Bussmann, W. Nahm, and E. Konecny.
Modell zur Simulation der Wärmeabgabe von Frühgeborenen - Model for simulation of heat loss by premature infants.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 43(5) , pp. 137-43, 1998
H. Gehring, W. Nahm, D. Hufker, A. Schmitz, W. Mertins, H. Frankenberger, and E. Konecny.
Messung der Atem-Alkoholkonzentrat während der Beatmung - Measuring breath alcohol concentration during artificial ventilation.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 43(3) , pp. 40-6, 1998
P. Bischoff, K. Drögemeier, J. Scholz, W. Nahm, G. von Knobelsdorff, and J. Schulte am Esch.
Elektrophysiologische Arousalreaktionen während Sufentanil-/Isofluran-Anästhesien - Electrophysiologic arousal reactions during sufentanil-/isoflurane anesthesia.
In Anasthesiologie, Intensivmedizin, Notfallmedizin, Schmerztherapie : AINS, vol. 33(2) , pp. 88-95, 1998
H. Gehring, W. Nahm, D. Hufker, A. Schmitz, E. Ocklitz, W. Mertins, and P. Schmucker.
[The effect of temperature and humidity on breath samples. Measurement of breath ethanol concentration in artificially respirated patients]..
In Der Anaesthesist, vol. 47(1) , pp. 39-44, 1998
H. Gehring, W. Nahm, J. Baerwald, E. Konecny, and P. Schmucker.
Atem-Alkoholmeßgeräte mit elektrochemischem Sensor - Meßgenauigkeit bei Beatmung am Lungenmodell - Breath alcohol analyzers with electrochemical sensory--accuracy of measurements in lung model ventilation.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 41(3) , pp. 54-9, 1996
H. Gehring, W. Nahm, K. F. Klotz, A. Knipper, K. Zimmermann, J. Baerwald, and P. Schmucker.
Messung der Atem-Alkoholkonzentration mit einem neuen elektronischen Sensor. Modelluntersuchung zur Querempfindlichkeit gegenüber volatile Anästhetika und klinische Anwendung - Measurement of expired alcohol concentrations with a new electrochemical sensor. A model investigation to determine interference with volatile anesthetics and clinical application.
In Der Anaesthesist, vol. 45(2) , pp. 154-62, 1996
H. Gehring, W. Nahm, D. Hufker, W. Mertins, E. Konecny, H. Frankenberger, and P. Schmucker.
Messung der pulmonalen CO2-Elimination - Untersuchung am Lungenmodell bei verschiedenen Gasgemischen - Measurement of Pulmonary CO2 Elimination - Investigation Using Different Gas Mixtures in a Lung Model.
In Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, vol. 41(11) , pp. 324-330, 1996
H. Gehring, W. Nahm, K. F. Klotz, O. Zais, R. Schreiber, and P. Schüren.
Plasmavolumenbestimmung mit dem Farbstoff ICG bei Änderung des intravasalen Volumens - Plasma volume determination with ICG dye in changes of intravascular volume.
In Infusionstherapie und Transfusionsmedizin, vol. 23, pp. 86-91, 1996
V. Hoffmann, D. Fröhlich, G. Gauglitz, U. Hellstern, S. Kohlhage, W. Nahm, K. Nuβbaumer, and D. Oelkrug.
Spectroscopical examination of photopolymerization, structure and permeability of thin polymers films.
In Journal of Molecular Structure, vol. 293, pp. 253-256, 1993
G. Gauglitz, A. Brecht, G. Kraus, and W. Nahm.
Chemical and biochemical sensors based on interferometry at thin (multi-) layers.
In Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, vol. 11(1) , pp. 21-27, 1993
A. Brecht, G. Gauglitz, and W. Nahm.
Interferometric measurements used in chemical and biochemical sensors.
In Analusis, vol. 20(3) , pp. 135-140, 1992
G. Gauglitz, and W. Nahm.
Observation of spectral interferences for the determination of volume and surface effects of thin films.
In Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, vol. 341(3-4) , pp. 279 283, 1991
G. Gauglitz, and W. Nahm.
Rapid optical sensors for the detection of organic solvent vapors.
H. Gehring, W. Nahm, D. Hufker, A. Schmitz, E. Ocklitz, W. Mertins, and P. Schmucker.
Einfluß von Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit auf die Probenentnahme Messung der Atem-Alkoholkonzentration bei beatmeten Patienten.
In Der Anaesthesist, vol. 47(1) , pp. 39-44,

Books (1)

E. Konecny, and W. Nahm.
Physikalische Messtechniken in der Medizin.
Zentrum für Fernstudien & universitäre Weiterbildung, UNI Kaiserslautern, 1996.

Book Chapters (3)

J. Petersen, G. Stockmanns, and W. Nahm.
EEG Analysis for Assessment of Depth of Anaesthesia.
In Fuzzy Systems in Medicine, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. , 2000
J. Abke, W. Nahm, and E. Konecny.
Implementierung einer Bispektralanalyse in LabVIEW zur Beurteilung von Narkosetiefe über das EEG.
In Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis - Meßtechnik, VDE-Verlag, pp. 256-264, 1998
M. Daumer, W. Nahm, M. Scholz, and F. Danneger.
Online Monitoring mit virtuellen Instrumenten.
In Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis - Meßtechnik, VDE-Verlag, pp. 265-270, 1998

Conference Contributions (50)

W. Nahm, E. Kochs, G. Stockmanns, P. Bischoff, J. Abke, and E. Konecny.
Detection and quantification of phasecoupling in anaestesia-EEG by bicoherence spectral analysis.
In Memory and Awareness in Anaesthesia IV, Proc. 4th International Symposium, pp. 59-74, 2000
W. Nahm, G. Stockmanns, M. Daumer, J. Abke, and E. Konecny.
Automatische EEG-Datenvorverarbeitung in einer Multicenterstudie - Automatic EEG data processing in a multicenter study.
In Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, vol. 43(s1) , pp. 146-147, 1998
W. Nahm, G. Stockmanns, C. J. Kalkman, C. Thornton, P. Bischoff, and E. Kochs.
Interobserver-variability for evaluation of middle latency auditory evoked potential during anesthesia.
W. Nahm, H. Gehring, J. Abke, M. Wunderlich, G. Stockmanns, and E. Konecny.
Entwicklung und Realisierung eines EEG-Simulators - Development and realization of an EEG simulator.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 42 s2, pp. 27-8, 1997
W. Nahm, H. Gehring, G. Stockmanns, E. Konecny, and E. Kochs.
Dimension analysis of EEG during anesthesia.
W. Nahm, E. Konecny, G. Stockmanns, J. Petersen, and E. Kochs.
Monitoring depth of anesthesia: Can artificial intelligence improve the EEG analysis?.
In EUFIT'97 Proceedings, vol. 3, pp. 2304-2309, 1997
W. Nahm, H. Gehring, and C. W. Du.
Nichtinvasive Messung der Konzentration von Indocyanin-Grün im arteriellen Blut durch spektrale Photoplethysmonographie.
W. Nahm, H. Gehring, E. Konecny, and P. Schmucker.
Messung der Atemalkoholkonzentration zur Beurteilung des Einschwemmsyndroms bei urologischen Eingriffen unter Vollnarkose..
W. Nahm, and G. Gauglitz.
Optische Sensoren für Kohlenwasserstoffe in Wasser und Luft.
L. Krames, P. Suppa, and W. Nahm.
Generation of Synthetic Data for the Comparison of Different 3D-3D Registration Approaches in Laparoscopic Surgery.
In 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 2022
S. Hoffmann, A. Naber, and W. Nahm.
Towards Quantitative ICG Angiography: Fluorescence Monte Carlo Multi Cylinder.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 7(2) , pp. 264-267, 2021
B. K. J. Viertel, A. Naber, S. Hoffmann, D. Berwanger, L. Kessler, R. Khoramnia, and W. Nahm.
Automated vessel centerline extraction and diameter measurement in OCT Angiography.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 7(2) , pp. 195-198, 2021
A. Abuzer, A. Naber, S. Hoffmann, L. Kessler, R. Khoramnia, and W. Nahm.
Investigation on Non-Segmentation Based Algorithms for Microvasculature Quantification in OCTA Images.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 7(2) , pp. 247-250, 2021
A. Naber, J. Chaykowski, J. Jimmy, and W. Nahm.
Diffuse reflectance Monte Carlo simulation to assess the transit time error in intraoperative fluorescence angiography.
In SPIE Photonics Europe, 2020
A. Naber, D. Berwanger, G. K. Steinberg, and W. Nahm.
Spatial gradient based segmentation of vessels and quantitative measurement of the inner diameter and wall thickness from ICG fluorescence angiographies.
In SPIE Photonics West, vol. 11229 1122916-2, 2020
Y. Su, M. Trappen, M. Blaicher, C. Koos, and W. Nahm.
A 3D resolution and aberration test target for confocal laser endomicroscopy.
In SPIE Photonics West, vol. 11229 1122919-1, 2020
M. Reiß, A. Naber, and W. Nahm.
Simulating a Ground Truth for Transit Time Analysis of Indicator Dilution Curves.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 6(3) , pp. 268-271, 2020
A. Naber, L. Meyer-Hilberg, and W. Nahm.
Design of a Flow Phantom for the Evaluation of Quantitative ICG Fluorescence Angiography.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 5(1) , 2019
K. Sieler, A. Naber, and W. Nahm.
An Evaluation of Image Feature Detectors Based on Spatial Density and Temporal Robustness in Microsurgical Image Processing.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 5(1) , pp. 273-276, 2019
A. Wachter, A. Mohra, and W. Nahm.
Development of a real-time virtual reality environment for visualization of fully digital microscope datasets.
In Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 10868, pp. 108681F1-9, 2019
A. Naber, D. Berwanger, and W. Nahm.
In Silico Modelling of Blood Vessel Segmentations for Estimation of Discretization Error in Spatial Measurement and its Impact on Quantitative Fluorescence Angiography.
In 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pp. 4787-4790, 2019
A. Wachter, J. Kost, and W. Nahm.
MATLAB Simulation Environment for Estimating the Minimal Number and Positions of Cameras for 3D Surface Reconstruction in a Fully-Digital Surgical Microscope.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 4(1) , pp. 517-520, 2018
A. Naber, and W. Nahm.
Bi - Domain Intraoperative Registration of Vessels.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 4(1) , pp. 25-28, 2018
T. Wirth, A. Naber, and W. Nahm.
Combination of Color and Focus Segmentation for Medical Images with Low Depth-of-Field.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 4(1) , pp. 345-349, 2018
E. Dicke, A. Wachter, and W. Nahm.
Estimation of the interpolation error of a three-step rotation algorithm using recorded images with rotated test pattern as ground truth.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 3(2) , pp. 555-558, 2017
C. Marzi, A. Wachter, and W. Nahm.
Design of an experimental four-camera setup for enhanced 3D surface reconstruction in microsurgery.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 3(2) , pp. 539–542, 2017
A. Naber, and W. Nahm.
Video magnification for intraoperative assessment of vascular function.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 3(2) , pp. 175-178, 2017
C. Weichelt, J. Kuß, P. Cimalla, D. Graf, P. Duscha, J. Steffen, W. Nahm, R. Steinmeier, and U. Morgenstern.
Development of a Flow Phantom to Verify the Evaluation of Cerebral Blood Flow by ICG-Fluorescence Video Analysis.
In IFMBE Proceedings, vol. 25(4) , pp. 1448-1451, 2009
G. Stockmanns, E. Kochs, W. Nahm, and M. Brunner.
Automatic analysis of auditory evoked potentials by means of wavelet analysis.
In Memory and Awareness in Anaesthesia IV, Proc. 4th International Symposium, pp. 117-131, 2000
M. Daumer, W. Nahm, M. Scholz, F. Dannegger, G. Morfill, E. Kochs, and A. Neiss.
Konzept für eine Internet-basierte Datenbank zur Unterstützung von Projekten auf dem Gebiet der Biosignalanalys - Concept for an internet-based databank for supporting projects in the area of biosignal analysis.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 43 s3, pp. 23-26, 1998
P. Knoop, C. Hornberger, W. Nahm, and E. Konecny.
Entwicklung eines optischen Kalibrators für kommerzielle Pulsoximeter: Erste Erfolge - Development of an optical calibrator for commercial pulse oximeters: initial successes.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 43 s1, pp. 128-129, 1998
M. Kelling, Z. Hussein, W. Nahm, and E. Konecny.
Experimenteller Aufbau zur nicht-dispersiven Messung des Isotopenverhältnisses 13C/12C in Gasen - Experimental development of non-dispersive measurement of 13C/12C isotope relations in gases.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 43 Suppl, pp. 280-1, 1998
O. Bussmann, W. Nahm, and E. Konecny.
Modell zur Simulation der Wärmeabgabe und Thermoregulation Frühgeborener - A Model for simulating heat transfer and thermoregulation of premature infants.
In Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, vol. 43(s1) , pp. 300-301, 1998
K. Kumpf, W. Nahm, E. Kochs, and W. Miltner.
Dynamic complexity of the EEG predicts movement during anesthesia.
G. Stockmanns, W. Nahm, J. Petersen, C. Thornton, and H. D. Kochs.
Wavelet-Analyse akustisch evozierter Potentiale während wiederholter Propofol-Sedierung - Wavelet analysis of acoustically evoked potentials during repeated propofol sedation.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 42 Suppl, pp. 373-374, 1997
M. Kelling, W. Nahm, and E. Konecny.
Absorptions-spektroskopische Methode zur Messung des Istopenverhältnisses 13C/12C - Absorption spectroscopy method for measuring 13C/12C isotope relations.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 42 Suppl, pp. 315-6, 1997
H. Gehring, W. Nahm, D. Hufker, A. Schmitz, W. Mertins, and E. Konecny.
Messung der Atem-Alkoholkonzentration während der Beatmung. Modelluntersuchungen zum Einfluß der Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit auf die Reproduzierbarkeit der Messung verschiedener Probenentnahmesystem - Measuring breath alcohol concentration during artificial ventilation. Model studies of the effect of temperature and humidity on the reproducibility of measurements of various sampling systems]..
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 42 Suppl, pp. 356-7, 1997
R. Sevcik, W. Nahm, E. Konecny, O. Petrowicz, H. Borgolte, and D. Nolte.
Analyse diskontinuierlicher Lungengeräusche durch die Wavelet-Transformation und die Illustration selten auftretender kontinuierlicher Oszillationen - Analysis of discontinuous lung sounds by wavelet transformation and illustration of rare continuous oscillations.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 42 s2, pp. 297-8, 1997
C. Hornberger, W. Nahm, P. Knoop, H. Gehring, P. Wouters, and E. Konecny.
Nicht-invasive Erfassung von Blutspektren durch zeitaufgelöste in vivo Spektroskopie - Noninvasive detection of blood spectra by time resolved in vivo spectroscopy.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 42 s2, pp. 217-8, 1997
G. Stockmanns, W. Nahm, C. Thornton, C. Shannon, E. Konecny, and E. Kochs.
Wavelet-analysis of (ML) auditory potentials.
G. Stockmanns, W. Nahm, C. Thornton, C. Shannon, E. Konecny, and E. Kochs.
Wavelet-analysis of middle latency auditory evoked potentials during repetitive propofol sedation.
In Anesthesiology, vol. Suppl.87(3A) , pp. A406, 1997
H. Gehring, A. Schmitz, W. Nahm, P. Fornara, V. Dörges, and P. Schmucker.
Measurement of breath ethanol concentration in patients with general anesthesia.
H. Gehring, W. Nahm, D. Hufker, E. Konecny, and P. Schmucker.
„Breath by breath“ - Messung der pulmonalen CO2-Elimination: Sidestream- vs. Mainstream-System.
G. Stockmanns, J. Abke, and W. Nahm.
Extraktion relevanter Parameter aus wavelet-transformierten akustisch evozierten Potentialen zur Bestimmung inadäquater Anästhesie mit Hilfe des Kohonen-Netzes.
J. Abke, W. Nahm, E. Konecny, G. Stockmanns, and E. Kochs.
Spektrale und bispektrale Analyse des EEG während der Narkose.
C. Du, W. Nahm, H. Gehring, and E. Konecny.
Quantification of NIRS data of a blood phantom by spectral multicomponent analysis.
In Proceedings of the SPIE, vol. 2626, pp. 130-140, 1995
C. Du, and W. Nahm.
Influence of multiple scattering effects on in vivo NIR spectroscopy.
In Proceedings of the SPIE, vol. 2326, pp. 307-318, 1995
H. Frankenberger, and W. Nahm.
Meßdatenerfassung in der Medizin-Entwicklung eines Neugeborenen-Intensiv-Meßplatzes.
H. Gehring, and W. Nahm.
Ein neues elektrochemisches Meßgerät für Atemalkohol zur Erkennung eingeschwemmter Flüssigkeit bei beatmeten und spontanatmenden Patienten.
A. Brecht, G. Gauglitz, J. Ingenhof, W. Nahm, W. Beck, G. Jung, and J. Polster.
Direkte interferometrische Verfolgung von Antigen-Antikörper-Wechselwirkungen.

Patents (39)

W. Nahm, R. Guckler, and T. Holzhauer.
Medical systems and methods.
United States Patent, 2016.
W. Nahm.
Positionierungsvorrichtung für ein chirurgisches Gerät.
W. Nahm.
Arrangement and method for quantitatively determining the blood flow within blood vessels.
United States Patent, 2013.
W. Nahm, and H.-J. Miesner.
Anordnung und Verfahren zur Registrierung von Gewebeverschiebungen.
WIPO, 2013.
W. Nahm, R. Guckler, and T. Holzhauer.
Medical systems and methods.
United States Patent, 2012.
W. Nahm, H. Matz, M. Bausewein, and P. Reimer.
Sekundäre Lichtquelle.
Europäisches Patentamt, 2010.
W. Nahm, and K. Stree.
Verfahren zur Personenerkennung bei einer Personenwaage und Personenwaage.
W. Nahm.
Personal scale with support, at least one power storage units, at least one electrodes, electron and display unit.
Korean Intellectual Property Office, 2004.
W. Nahm.
Measuring device for body analysis scale, including electrodes arranged on food-step plate on body analysis scale.
Korean Intellectual Property Office, 2004.
W. Nahm.
Method for displaying measurement result of body analysis scale, by displaying combination of physiological parameter and anthropological parameter on analytic graphic display.
Korean Intellectual Property Office, 2004.
W. Nahm.
Vorrichtung zur plethysmographischen Bestimmung der Wiederauffüllzeit der Beinvenen.
Europäisches Patentamt, 2004.
W. Nahm.
Messvorrichtung, insbesondere für medizinische oder physiologische Messgrössen.
Europäisches Patentamt, 2004.
W. Nahm.
Vein function monitor.
United States Design Patent, 2003.
W. Nahm.
Verfahren zur Personenkennung bei einer Körperanalysewaage.
Deutsches Patentamt, 2003.
W. Nahm.
Darstellung des Mess-Ergebnisses eines Körperfettmessgeräts.
Europäisches Patentamt, 2003.
W. Nahm.
Europäisches Patentamt, 2003.
W. Nahm.
Messvorrichtung für eine Körperanalysewaage.
Europäisches Patentamt, 2003.
W. Nahm.
Verfahren und Anzeigevorrichtung zur Darstellung eines durch mehrere Grössen definierten physiologischen Zustands eines Lebewesens.
Europäisches Patentamt, 2002.
W. Nahm, G. Gauglitz, and W. Hofmann.
Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum optischen Nachweis einer An- oder Einlagerung mindestens einer stofflichen Spezies in oder an mindestens einer dünnen Schicht.
Deutsches Patentamt, 1997.
C. Hauger, R. Gucker, H. Jess, W. Steffen, and W. Nahm.
System for visualizing tissue in a surgical region.
US Patent, 2017.
H.-J. Miesner, C. Hauger, W. Nahm, F. Rudolph, G. Hattendorf, P. M. Delaney, and J. D. Allen.
Imaging method and apparatus.
United States Patent, 2016.
H. Jess, D. Quendt, W. Nahm, and J. Steffen.
Chirurgisches Mikroskop zur Beobachtung einer Infrarot-Fluoreszenz und entsprechendes Verfahren.
Europäisches Patentamt, 2015.
C. Hauger, W. Nahm, T. Lasser, M. Leutenegger, E. Martin-Williams, and A. Lopez.
System and method for examining an illuminated object.
United States Patent, 2015.
T. Schuhrke, G. Meckes, J. Steffen, H.-J. Miesner, F. Rudolph, and W. Nahm.
Verfahren zur quantitativen Darstellung des Blutflusses sowie Operationsmikroskop und Analysesystem.
T. Schuhrke, G. Meckes, J. Steffen, H.-J. Miesner, F. Rudolph, and W. Nahm.
Verfahren zum Ableiten medizinischer Größen aus einer Bildfolge medizinischer Bilddaten, medizinische Vorrichtung und Analysesystem.
Deutsches Patentamt, 2014.
M. Eichler, W. Nahm, and M. Kraus.
Ophthalmologische Vorrichtung.
C. Kübler, M. Kraus, and W. Nahm.
Ophthalmochirurgische Messeinrichtung.
WIPO, 2013.
C. Hauger, P. Andrews, W. Nahm, R. Kuschnereit, M. Hacker, and G. Scharioth.
Systems and methods for treating glaucoma and systems and methods for imaging a portion of an eye.
United States Patent, 2012.
C. Hauger, R. Guckler, H. Jess, J. Steffen, and W. Nahm.
System zum Visualisieren von Gewebe in einem Operationsbereich.
WIPO, 2012.
H.-J. Miesner, W. Nahm, F. Rudolph, G. Hattendorf, P. M. Delaney, and J. D. Allen.
Imaging method and system.
US Patent Application Publication, 2011.
C. Müller, D. P. Andrews, G. Gaida, J. Gieske, W. Nahm, and G. Papke.
Ophthalmochirurgischer Arbeitsplatz.
Europäisches Patentamt, 2011.
T. Schuhrke, G. Meckes, J. Steffen, H.-J. Miesner, F. Rudolph, and W. Nahm.
Process for quantitative display of blood flow.
US Patent Application Publication, 2011.
G. Gaida, G. Papke, J. Gieske, D. P. Andrews, C. Müller, and W. Nahm.
Ophthalmologic surgical work station.
United States Patent, 2010.
T. Schuhrke, G. Meckes, J. Steffen, H.-J. Miesner, F. Rudolph, and W. Nahm.
Method for the quantitative display of blood flow.
US Patent Application Publication, 2010.
T. Schuhrke, G. Meckes, J. Steffen, H.-J. Miesner, F. Rudolph, and W. Nahm.
Process for quantitative display of blood flow.
US Patent Application Publication, 2010.
C. Hauger, W. Nahm, T. Lasser, M. Lautenegger, E. Martin-Williams, and A. Lopez.
System and method for examining an object.
World Intellectual Property Organization, 2009.
C. Hauger, and W. Nahm.
Method and apparatus for displaying a field of a brain of a patient and navigation system for brain surgery.
European Patent Application, 2008.
H. Bauer, G. Gauglitz, W. Hofmann, W. Nahm, M. Mettler, J. Nagel, and B. Wolf.
Deutsches Patentamt, 1997.
H. Bauer, G. Gauglitz, W. Hofmann, W. Nahm, M. Mettler, J. Nagel, and B. Wolf.
Verfahren zur Durchführung einer kapillarelektrophoretischen Bestimmung.
Deutsches Patentamt, 1997.