In laparoscopic liver surgery (LLS) image-guidednavigation systems could support the surgeon by providingsubsurface information such as the positions of tumors andvessels. For this purpose, one option is to perform a registra-tion of preoperative 3D data and 3D surface patches recon-structed from laparoscopic images. Part of an automatic 3Dregistration pipeline is the feature description, which takes intoaccount various geometric and spatial information. Since thereis no leading feature descriptor in the field of LLS, two featuredescriptors are compared in this paper: The Fast Point FeatureHistogram (FPFH) and Triple Orthogonal Local Depth Images(TOLDI). To evaluate their performance, three perturbationswere induced: varying surface patch sizes, spatial displace-ment, and Gaussian deformation. Registration was performedusing the RANSAC algorithm. FPFH outperformed TOLDIfor small surface patches and in case of Gaussian deformationsin terms of registration accuracy. In contrast, TOLDI showedlower registration errors for patches with spatial displacement.While developing a 3D-3D registration pipeline, the choice ofthe feature descriptor is of importance, consequently a carefulchoice suitable for the application in LLS is necessary.