Atrial arrhythmias are frequently treated using catheter ablation during electrophysiological (EP) studies. However, success rates are only moderate and could be improved with the help of personalized simulation models of the atria. In this work, we present a workflow to generate and validate personalized EP simulation models based on routine clinical computed tomography (CT) scans and intracardiac electrograms. From four patient data sets, we created anatomical models from angiographic CT data with an automatic segmentation algorithm. From clinical intracardiac catheter recordings, individual conduction velocities were calculated. In these subject-specific EP models, we simulated different pacing maneuvers and measurements with circular mapping catheters that were applied in the respective patients. This way, normal sinus rhythm and pacing from a coronary sinus catheter were simulated. Wave directions and conduction velocities were quantitatively analyzed in both clinical measurements and simulated data and were compared. On average, the overall difference of wave directions was 15° (8%), and the difference of conduction velocities was 16 cm/s (17%). The method is based on routine clinical measurements and is thus easy to integrate into clinical practice. In the long run, such personalized simulations could therefore assist treatment planning and increase success rates for atrial arrhythmias.
This review article gives a comprehensive survey of the progress made in computa- tional modeling of the human atria during the last 10 years. Modeling the anatomy has emerged from simple peanut-like structures to very detailed models including atrial wall and fiber di- rection. Electrophysiological models started with just two cellular models in 1998. Today, five models exist considering e.g. details of intracellular compartments and atrial heterogeneity. On the pathological side, modeling atrial remodeling and fibrotic tissue are other important aspects. The bridge to data that are measured in the catheter laboratory and on the body surface (ECG) is under construction. Every measurement can be used either for model personalization or for validation. Potential clinical applications are briefly outlined and future research perspectives are suggested.
Book Chapters (1)
G. Seemann, M. W. Krueger, and M. Wilhelms. Elektrophysiologische Modellierung und Virtualisierung für die Kardiologie - Methoden und potenzielle Anwendungen. In Der virtuelle Patient, Health Academy, pp. 98-116, 2012
Simulationen des elektrophysiologischen Verhaltens des Herzens fördern das Verständnis über die Mechanismen innerhalb des Herz-Kreislauf-Systems. Darüber hinaus werden diese mathematischen Modelle die Diagnose und Therapie von Patienten, die unter Herzerkrankungen leiden, unterstützen. In dieser Arbeit wird die Vorgehensweise für die Modellierung der elektrischen Funktion des Herzens beschrieben. Hierfür werden die Modellierung der Geometrie, der kardialen Elektrophysiologie, der elektrischen Erregungsausbreitung und der EKG-Berechnung kurz erläutert. Die seit Kurzem mehr und mehr untersuchten Fälle Ischämie und personalisierte Vorhofmodellierung werden beispielhaft beschrieben und zeigen, wie die Modellierung des Herzens dazu benutzt werden kann, um Kardiologen bei der Beantwortung von offenen Fragen zu unterstützen.
Conference Contributions (10)
M. W. Krueger. Towards Personalized Clinical in-silico Modeling of Atrial Anatomy and Electrophysiology. In cDEMRIS 2012, 2012
Biophysical models of the human atria have proven to aid the understanding of disease mechanisms and therapeutic measures in basic research. Atrial modeling is currently in a transition from the sole use in basic research to future clinical applications.In order to use biophysical models in a clinical environment, the anatomical and electrophysiological models need to be personalized to the specific patient. The methods for this require to be largely automatic and should also allow for the evaluation of the simulation outcome. A-priori knowledge of the human anatomy and electrophysiology needs to be merged with MRI, ECG and intracardiac electrogram data to achieve such model personalization. Additionally, information from DE-MRI can be transferred into complex atrial models to evaluate ablation therapy outcome for the specific patient.In the future, complex models will continue to allow for a further understanding of pathological mechanisms, but they will also enable the development of simplified models which can be introduced into the clinic. Interactive virtual atria will in such manner pave the way for model-based personalized radio-frequency ablation planning.
M. W. Krueger, O. Dössel, and G. Seemann. Towards personalized biophysical models of atrial anatomy and electrophysiology in clinical environments. In Biomedizinische Technik / Biomedical Engineering, vol. 57(s1) , 2012
A. Dorn, M. W. Krueger, O. Dössel, and G. Seemann. Modelling of heterogeneous human atrial electrophysiology. In Biomedizinische Technik / Biomedical Engineering, vol. 57(s1) , 2012
Model-based segmentation approaches have been proven to produce very accurate segmentation results while simultaneously providing an anatomic labeling for the segmented structures. However, variations of the anatomy, as they are often encountered e.g. on the drainage pattern of the pulmonary veins to the left atrium, cannot be represented by a single model. Automatic model selection extends the model-based segmentation approach to handling significant variational anatomies without user interaction. Using models for the three most common anatomical variations of the left atrium, we propose a method that uses an estimation of the local fit of different models to select the best fitting model automatically. Our approach employs the support vector machine for the automatic model selection. The method was evaluated on 42 very accurate segmentations of MRI scans using three different models. The correct model was chosen in 88.1 % of the cases. In a second experiment, reflecting average segmentation results, the model corresponding to the clinical classification was automatically found in 78.0 % of the cases.
Whole organ scale patient specific biophysical simulations contribute to the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of complex diseases such as cardiac arrhythmia. However, many individual steps are required to bridge the gap from an anatomical scan to a personal- ized biophysical model. In biophysical modeling, differential equations are solved on spatial domains represented by volumetric meshes of high resolution and in model-based segmentation, surface or volume meshes represent the patients geometry. We simplify the personalization pro- cess by representing the simulation mesh and additional relevant struc- tures relative to the segmentation mesh. Using a surface correspondence preserving model-based segmentation algorithm, we facilitate the inte- gration of anatomical information into biophysical models avoiding a complex processing pipeline. In a simulation study, we observe surface correspondence of up to 1.6mm accuracy for the four heart chambers. We compare isotropic and anisotropic atrial excitation propagation in a personalized simulation.
Cardiac electrophysiology procedures are routinely used to treat patients with rhythm disorders. The success rates of ablation procedures and cardiac resynchronization therapy are still sub-optimal. Recent advances in medical imaging, image processing and cardiac biophysical modeling have the potential to improve patient outcome. This manuscript provides an overview of how these advances have been translated into the clinical environment.
D. T. Rudolph, W. H. W. Schulze, D. Potyagaylo, M. W. Krueger, and O. Dössel. Reconstruction of atrial excitation conduction velocities and implementation into the inverse problem of electrocardiography. In Biomedizinische Technik / Biomedical Engineering, vol. 57(s1) , pp. 179-182, 2012
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia, and is mainly sustained by reentrant circuits and rapid ectopic activity. In the present study, we performed computer simulations using a 3D human atrial model including fibre orientation, electrophysiological heterogeneities and tissue anisotropy. Membrane kinetics were described as in the human atrial action potential model by Maleckar et al., including AF-induced ionic remodeling. The impact of ionic changes on reentrant activity was investigated by characterizing arrhythmia stability, rotor dynamics and dominant frequency (DF). Our simulations show that reentrant circuits tend to organize around the pulmonary veins and the right atrial appendage. Simulated IK1 and INa blocks lead to slower DF in the whole atria, expanded wave meandering and reduction of secondary wavelets. INaK block slightly reduces DF and does not notably change the propagation pattern. Regularity and coupling indices of electrograms are usually higher in the right atrium than in the left atrium, entailing a higher likelihood of arrhythmia generation in the latter, as occurs in AF patients.
Anatomically realistic computational models provide a powerful platform for investigating mechanisms that underlie atrial rhythm disturbances. In recent years, novel techniques have been developed to construct structurally-detailed, image-based models of 3D atrial anatomy. However, computational models still do not contain full descriptions of the atrial intramural myofiber architecture throughout the entire atria. To address this, a semi-automatic rule-based method was developed for generating multi-layer myofiber orientations in the human atria. The rules for fiber generation are based on the careful anatomic studies of Ho, Anderson and co-workers using dissection, macrophotography and visual tracing of fiber tracts. Separately, a series of high color contrast images were obtained from sheep atria with a novel confocal surface microscopy method. Myofiber orientations in the normal sheep atria were estimated by eigen-analyis of the 3D image structure tensor. These data have been incorporated into an anatomical model that provides the quantitative representation of myofiber architecture in the atrial chambers. In this study, we attempted to compare the two myofiber generation approaches. We observed similar myo-bundle structure in the human and sheep atria, for example in Bachmann's bundle, atrial septum, pectinate muscles, superior vena cava and septo-pulmonary bundle. Our computational simulations also confirmed that the preferential propagation pathways of the activation sequence in both atrial models is qualitatively similar, largely due to the domination of the major muscle bundles.