IBT Publications by Dössel of the year 2008

Journal Articles (4)

O. Dössel, M. Reumann, J. Bohnert, G. Seemann, and B. Osswald.
Preventive ablation strategies in a biophysical model of atrial fibrillation based on realistic anatomical data.
In IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 55(2) , pp. 399-406, 2008
E. Hansis, D. Schäfer, O. Dössel, and M. Grass.
Evaluation of iterative sparse object reconstruction from few projections for 3-D rotational coronary angiography.
In IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 27(11) , pp. 1548-1555, 2008
E. Hansis, D. Schäfer, O. Dössel, and M. Grass.
Automatic optimum phase point selection based on centerline consistency for 3D rotational coronary angiography.
In International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, vol. 3(3-4) , pp. 355-361, 2008
E. Hansis, D. Schäfer, O. Dössel, and M. Grass.
Projection-based motion compensation for gated coronary artery reconstruction from rotational x-ray angiograms.
In Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 53(14) , pp. 3807-3820, 2008

Book Chapters (2)

O. Dössel.
Medizintechnik 2025 - Trends und Visionen.
In Gesundheitswesen 2025: Implikationen, Konzepte, Visionen, Dresden Health Academy, pp. 115-126, 2008
O. Dössel, D. Farina, D. Keller, R. Miri, M. Reumann, G. Seemann, F. Weber, and D. Weiss.
Modellbasierte Fusion von Herz-Bildgebung und Elektrokardiographie.
In Modellgestützte Therapie, Health Academy, Dresden, pp. 225-236, 2008

Conference Contributions (30)

O. Doessel, G. Seemann, D. Farina, D. U. J. Keller, R. Miri, F. M. Weber, and D. L. Weiss.
Visions in modeling of cardiac arrhythmogenic diseases and their therapies.
In IFMBE Proceedings, vol. 20(7) , pp. 450-453, 2008
O. Dössel, M. Reumann, B. G. Fitch, A. Rayshubskiy, D. U. Keller, D. L. Weiss, G. Seemann, M. C. Pitman, and J. J. Rice.
Large scale cardiac modeling on the Blue Gene supercomputer.
In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc., vol. 2008, pp. 577-580, 2008
O. Dössel, M. Reumann, M. Mohr, and A. Dietz.
Assessing learning progress and teaching quality in large groups of students.
In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2008. EMBS 2008. 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pp. 2877-2880, 2008
O. Dössel, M. Reumann, B. Fitch, A. Rayshubskiy, D. Weiss, G. Seemann, and J. Pitman MC and Rice.
Comparison of computational load of a simple and complex electrophysiological cell models in large anatomical data-sets on the Blue Gene/L supercomputer.
In 2nd International Symposium on Bio- and Medical Informatics and Cybernetics BMIC, 2008
O. Dössel, G. Seemann, S. Lurz, D. U. J. Keller, D. L. Weiss, and E. P. Scholz.
Adaption of Mathematical Ion Channel Models to measured data using the Particle Swarm Optimization.
In IFMBE Proceedings, vol. 22, pp. 2507–-2510, 2008
O. Dössel, G. Seemann, E. Scholz, and D. L. Weiss.
Effects of the reggae mutation on sinus node function: A simulation study.
In Proc. CinC, 2008
O. Dössel, G. Seemann, D. L. Weiss, E. P. Scholz, and F. B. Sachse.
Effects of a KCNA5 Mutation in a Human Atrial Myocyte: A Computational Study.
In Biophys. J (Annual Meeting Abstracts), 2008
T. Baas, O. Dössel, G. Butrous, and D. O. Azulay.
Modeling the dynamics of QT-RR relationship.
In Tagungsband Biosignalverarbeitung, vol. Potsdam(2008) , pp. 67-70, 2008
J. Bohnert, B. Gleich, J. Weizenecker, J. Borgert, and O. Doessel.
Evaluation of induced current densities and SAR in the human body by strong magnetic fields around 100 kHz.
In IFMBE Proceedings, 2008
D. Farina, and O. Dössel.
Non-invasive model-based localization of ventricular ectopic centers from multichannel ECG.
In Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism, 2008
D. Farina, Y. Jiang, O. Dössel, C. Kaltwasser, and W. R. Bauer.
Model-based method of non-invasive reconstruction of ectopic focus locations in the left ventricle.
In Proc. the 4th European Congress for Medical and Biomedical Engineering, pp. 2560-2563, 2008
T. Fritz, O. Jarrousse, and O. Dössel.
Adapting a mass-spring system to energy density function describing myocardial mechanics.
In Proceedings of the 4th European Congress for Medical and Biomedical Engineering 2008. 23-27 November 2008, Antwerp, Belgium, vol. 22, pp. 2003-2006, 2008
E. Hansis, O. Dössel, and M. Grass.
Motion-compensated iterative sparse data reconstruction for interventional 3-D coronary artery imaging.
In Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2008, pp. 4280-4284, 2008
M. Janich, O. Dössel, G. Seemann, and J. Thiele.
Elastic registration of optical images showing heart muscle contraction.
In 4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering ECIFMBE 2008, vol. 22(7) , pp. 676-679, 2008
O. Jarrousse, T. Fritz, and O. Dössel.
A modifed mass-spring system for myocardial mechanics modeling.
In Proceedings of the 4th European Congress for Medical and Biomedical Engineering 2008. 23-27 November 2008, Antwerp, Belgium, vol. 22, pp. 1943-1946, 2008
Y. Jiang, D. Farina, and O. Dössel.
Localization of the origin of ventricular premature beats by reconstruction of electrical sources using spatio-temporal MAP-based regularization.
In Proc. 4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering, vol. 22, pp. 2511-2514, 2008
Y. Jiang, D. Farina, and O. Dössel.
Effect of heart motion on the solutions of forward and inverse electrocardiographic problem - a simulation study.
In Proc. Computers in Cardiology, pp. 365-368, 2008
M. Karl, O. Dössel, G. Seemann, F. Sachse, and V. Heuveline.
Time and memory efficient implementation of the cardiac bidomain equations.
In 4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering, IFMBE Proceedings, vol. 22, 2008
U. Katscher, T. Voigt, C. Findeklee, K. Nehrke, S. Weiss, and O. Dössel.
Estimation of local SAR using B1 mapping.
In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, pp. 1191, 2008
R. Miri, O. Dössel, M. Reumann, D. U. J. Keller, and D. Farina.
Comparison of the electrophysiologically based optimization methods with different pacing parameters in patient undergoing resynchronization treatment.
In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2008. EMBS 2008. 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, vol. 2008, pp. 1741-1744, 2008
V. Reimund, D. Farina, Y. Jiang, and O. Dössel.
Reconstruction of ectopic foci using the critical point theory.
In Proc. the 4th European Congress for Medical and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 22, pp. 2703-2706, 2008
M. Reumann, B. G. Fitch, A. Rayshubskiy, D. L. Weiss, G. Seemann, O. Doessel, M. C. Pitman, and J. J. Rice.
Error estimates and communication overhead in the computation of the bidomain equations on the distributed memory parallel Blue Gene/L supercomputer.
In Computers in Cardiology, pp. 81-84, 2008
S. Seitz, and O. Dössel.
Influence of body worn wireless mobile devices on implanted cardiac pacemakers.
In 4th European Congress for Medical and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 22, 2008
S. Seitz, O. Dössel, and G. Seemann.
Influence of tissue anisotropy on the distribution of defibrillation fields.
In Proc. Computers in Cardiology, pp. 489-492, 2008
T. Voigt, C. Findeklee, O. Dössel, and U. Katscher.
Imaging electric properties with MR.
In MAGMA 21, pp. 400-401, 2008
T. Voigt, K. Nehrke, O. Dössel, and U. Katscher.
In vivo determination of local SAR.
In MAGMA 21, pp. 65-66, 2008
M. Völker, T. Kaufmann, and O. Dössel.
Novel detailed finite element model of a toroidal inductor for sensor applications.
In Proc. of Eurosensors 2008, pp. 51, 2008
F. M. Weber, S. Lurz, D. U. J. Keller, D. L. Weiss, O. Dössel, G. Seemann, and C. Lorenz.
Adaptation of a minimal four-state cell model for reproducing atrial excitation properties.
In Proc. Computers in Cardiology, pp. 61-64, 2008
D. L. Weiss, M. Ifland, O. Dössel, and G. Seemann.
Modeling of cardiac ischemia in human cardiomyocytes and tissue.
In Proceedings Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, pp. 131, 2008
M. Wilhelms, O. Dössel, and G. Seemann.
Benchmarking different models describing sinus node heterogeneity.
In IFMBE Proceedings, vol. 22, pp. 2691-2694, 2008