IBT Publications by Dössel of the year 2013

Journal Articles (10)

O. Dössel, G. Seemann, M. Alvarez de Eulate, N. Konrad, J. Maier, M. Wilhelms, D. Keller, and E. Scholz.
Evaluating body surface ECG differences of simulated long-QT syndromes.
In Computing in Cardiology, vol. 40, pp. 345-348, 2013
O. Dössel, and J. Bohnert.
Safety considerations for magnetic fields of 10 mT to 100 mT amplitude in the frequency range of 10 kHz to 100 kHz for magnetic particle imaging.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 58(6) , pp. 611-621, 2013
O. Dössel, M. W. Krueger, and G. Seemann.
Personalized Electrophysiological Modeling of the Human Atrium.
In Cardiac Mapping, Fourth Edition, vol. 4, pp. 150-158, 2013
M. W. Krueger, A. Dorn, D. U. J. Keller, F. Holmqvist, J. Carlson, P. G. Platonov, K. S. Rhode, R. Razavi, O. Dössel, and G. Seemann.
In-silico modeling of atrial repolarization in normal and atrial fibrillation remodeled state.
In Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, vol. 51(10) , pp. 1105-1119, 2013
M. W. Krueger, W. H. W. Schulze, K. Rhode, R. Razavi, O. Dössel, and G. Seemann.
Towards personalized clinical in-silico modeling of atrial anatomy and electrophysiology.
In Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, vol. 51(11) , pp. 1251-1260, 2013
M. W. Krueger, O. Dössel, G. Seemann, K. Rhode, D. U. J. Keller, C. Schilling, A. Arujuna, J. Gill, M. D. O'Neill, and R. Razavi.
Personalization of atrial anatomy and electrophysiology as a basis for clinical modeling of radio-frequency ablation of atrial fibrillation.
In IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 32(1) , pp. 73-84, 2013
G. Lenis, T. Baas, and O. Dössel.
Ectopic beats and their influence on the morphology of subsequent waves in the electrocardiogram.
In Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik, vol. 58(2) , pp. 109-119, 2013
E. P. Scholz, P. Carrillo-Bustamante, F. Fischer, M. Wilhelms, E. Zitron, O. Dössel, H. A. Katus, and G. Seemann.
Rotor termination is critically dependent on kinetic properties of I kur inhibitors in an in silico model of chronic atrial fibrillation.
In PloS one, vol. 8(12) , pp. e83179, 2013
W. H. W. Schulze, D. Potyagaylo, and O. Dössel.
Predicting the accuracy of cardiac pace mapping from lead field matrix characteristics.
In Journal of Electrocardiology, vol. 46(4) , pp. e37, 2013
M. Wilhelms, H. Hettmann, M. M. C. Maleckar, J. T. Koivumäki, O. Dössel, and G. Seemann.
Benchmarking electrophysiological models of human atrial myocytes.
In Frontiers in Physiology, vol. 3(487) , pp. 1-16, 2013

Book Chapters (1)

O. Dössel.
Vertrauen in die Technikwissenschaften, Vertrauen in die Medizintechnik?!.
In Debatte - Vertrauen in die/in der Wissenschaft?, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp. 75-81, 2013

Conference Contributions (24)

O. Dössel, G. Seemann, M. Alvarez de Eulate, and D. U. J. Keller.
Variation of human ventricular Iks heterogeneities to reconstruct measured multi-channel ECG data.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 58(s1) , 2013
O. Dössel, G. Seemann, A. Loewe, Y. Lutz, and M. Wilhelms.
Simulating the Effects of Drugs and Genetic Defects on Atrial Electrophysiology.
In TRM Forum, 2013
L.-M. Busch, T. Fritz, M. W. Krueger, O. Dössel, and G. Seemann.
Impact of different ablation patterns on the biomechanics of the human left atrium.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 58(s1) , 2013
T. Fritz, O. Dössel, and M. Krueger.
Electromechanical modeling of the human atria.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 58(s1) , 2013
R. Jones, W. H. W. Schulze, D. Potyagaylo, O. Dössel, and F. M. Weber.
Computing lead-field matrices for a body tissue conductivity range.
In Biomedizinische Technik / Biomedical Engineering, vol. 58(s1) , 2013
M. W. Keller, A. Luik, M. Abady, O. Dössel, G. Seemann, and C. Schmitt.
Influence of three-dimensional fibrotic patterns on simulated intracardiac electrogram morphology.
In Computing in Cardiology, 2013
M. W. Keller, S. Schuler, A. Luik, C. Schmitt, and O. Dössel.
Evaluating changes in electrogram morphology during radiofrequency ablation of cardiac arrhythmias.
In Biomedical Engineering/Biomedizinische Technik, vol. 58(s1) , 2013
M. W. Keller, S. Schuler, A. Luik, O. Dössel, G. Seemann, C. Schilling, and C. Schmitt.
Comparison of simulated and clinical intracardiac electrograms.
In 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, pp. 6858-6861, 2013
M. W. Krueger, O. Dössel, G. Seemann, K. S. Rhode, F. M. Weber, N. Linton, S. Williams, J. Gill, C. A. Rinaldi, M. D. O'Neill, and R. Razavi.
Fusion of local activation time maps and image data to personalize anatomical atrial models.
In FIMH, LNCS 7945, pp. 1-10, 2013
G. Lenis, and O. Dössel.
T wave morphology during heart rate turbulence in patients with chronic heart failure.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 58(s1) , 2013
A. Loewe, E. Poremba, M. W. Krueger, O. Dössel, and G. Seemann.
Fast Marching Simulation of Atrial Excitation: Towards Personalized Ablation Planning.
In TRM Forum, 2013
A. Loewe, M. Wilhelms, F. Fischer, E. P. Scholz, O. Dössel, and G. Seemann.
Impact of hERG Mutations on Simulated Human Atrial Action Potentials.
In Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, vol. 58(s1) , 2013
A. Loewe, M. Wilhelms, J. Schmid, M. J. Krause, F. Fischer, E. P. Scholz, O. Dössel, and G. Seemann.
A Hybrid Optimization Approach for the Adaptation of Cardiac Ion Current Formulations to Voltage and Patch Clamp Data.
In Cardiac Physiome Workshop, 2013
R. Moss, O. Dössel, G. Seemann, F. B. Sachse, and M. Tristani-Firouzi.
Adaptation of the voltage dependent muscarinic M2 receptor on cardiac IK,ACH to different ligands.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 58(s1) , 2013
T. G. Oesterlein, M. W. Keller, S. Schuler, A. Luik, O. Dössel, G. Seemann, and C. Schmitt.
Determination of local activation time in bipolar endocardial electrograms: a comparison of clinical criteria and a new method based on the non-linear energy operator.
In Journal of Electrocardiology, vol. 46(4) , pp. e18, 2013
T. G. Oesterlein, A. Luik, C. Schmitt, and O. Dössel.
Generating biatrial local activation time maps using the non-linear energy operator reveals arrhythmia.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 58(s1) , 2013
M. Pfeifer, G. Lenis, and O. Dössel.
A general approach for dynamic modeling of physiological time series.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 58(s1) , 2013
N. Pilia, G. Lenis, and O. Dössel.
Developing a robust method to delineate the P wave using information from intracardiac electrograms.
In Biosignalverarbeitung und Magnetische Methoden in der Medizin. Proceedings BBS 2014, pp. 2, 2013
D. Potyagaylo, W. H. W. Schulze, and O. Dössel.
Local regularization in the inverse problem of electrocardiography.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 58(s1) , 2013
D. Potyagaylo, M. Segel, W. H. W. Schulze, and O. Dössel.
Noninvasive Localization of Ectopic Foci: a New Optimization Approach for Simultaneous Reconstruction of Transmembrane Voltages and Epicardial Potentials.
In FIMH, LNCS 7945, pp. 166-173, 2013
J. Schmid, and O. Dössel.
An electromagnetic simulation environment, to construct microwave imaging algorithms.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 58(s1) , 2013
S. Schuler, M. W. Keller, T. Oesterlein, O. Dössel, and G. Seemann.
Influence of Catheter Orientation, Tissue Thickness and Conduction Velocity on the Intracardiac Electrogram.
In Biomedical Engineering/Biomedizinische Technik, vol. 58(s1) , 2013
W. H. W. Schulze, F. Elies Henar, D. Potyagaylo, A. Loewe, M. Stenroos, and O. Dössel.
Kalman Filter with Augmented Measurement Model: an ECG Imaging Simulation Study.
In FIMH, LNCS 7945, pp. 200-207, 2013
W. H. W. Schulze, R. Schimpf, T. Papavassiliu, D. Potyagaylo, E. Tulumen, B. Rudic, O. Dössel, V. Liebe, C. Doesch, T. Konrad, C. Veltmann, and M. Borggrefe.
Electrode arrangements for ECG imaging under practical constraints of a catheter lab setting.
In Biomedizinische Technik / Biomedical Engineering, vol. 58(s1) , 2013